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Be Ready For Our Marketing A Team!

In the past few weeks the marketing team has been working very closly with all the teams. the past few weeks and the begining of the journey have been all about making decisions. How we want the app to look like? what's its main purpouse? who are the people that are going to use it? how are they going to use it and so on.

After the Idea has been chosen, a path is on it's way, we're starting to fucos on our team's goals joining forces with the Content Team and Yael the project manager. Thinking of a video that will best explain our app, the purpose and market it best (Video Shooting will take place on saturday - we're excited!). Thinking of the best catch frase for the app, the sentences and call to action inside the app - what will they be? which vibe is the user going to feel from our app? we have decided with Adi's wild imagination to focus on SEXY, BLACK, TIES, BUISNESS look and feel - which explains the choices of words that call to cation in the app as well as our soon to come Video!!! In addition to all those things, we started working on the Landing Page for the app, what does it need to have? how does it's look and feel connects the look and feel we set for the app. We have major decisions to make as for who are we looking for when it comes to marketing? the simple user - the one looking for food, or the company that we want to work with us. This is a crucial decision as to how to lead the marketing forward. If only one person from the company downloads the app - we can't get him a mach, or in our words - a trunch! Not only that, but we started working on the Marketing Kit - Setting Goals, and Figuring out the major top feautres, Major top and potential customers and so on - when we have all that - we can work on a PITCH. Any Ideas come to mind when you read about us and hear about us? Let us know - Brainstorming contributes so much to our work.

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